The GIC offers numerous B2B or business-to-developers opportunities. The busiest bizdevs can arrange even over 30 meetings in the course of the conference. The B2B exhibition area, although close to the PGA B2C expo, provides excellent grounds to meet business partners.
Exhibitors can bring their own branding such as walls, rollups, and desks when desired. We are also happy to help you with professional booth building. Here you can refer to standard builds 15m2 or 9m2 sponsors booths. If you require extra furniture, branding or services, we can provide that from the offer of the biggest expo company in Poland.
We are open to booths big and small, and for the latter, we offer the Business Plus Pass available through our ticketing system. This is a small booth with a table and chairs and your branding, which can also be used as a dedicated meeting system table.
The Business Lounge offers a more casual area with coffee, soft drinks, and snacks, and lunches.

Piotr Piotrowski
Game Industry Conference, Expo Geek